About Us and the Blog

About us

Sakshi is an undergrad student with a degree in Bachelor of Science with a major in Chemistry and a minor in Biology. Her love of skin care started all the way back in high school and was on the hunt for a cure to her pimples. Along the way skincare has become therapeutic to her and is a method by which she best express herself.

Rima is currently a dental assistant. She has a love for dance and is a fan of drawing and creative writing. She was introduced to skincare by her friend Sakshi and since then she have never looked back.

About the Blog

We both are very inspired by Harry Potter and the world of magic. Excolo Personae takes its name from the spell Expecto Patronum. Expecto Patronum is a spell used protect oneself from dementors by summoning ones happiest memories. Excolo is the latin word for refine and personae is the latin word for personality. Combining these words we come to the meaning the this blog is supposed to amplify your sense of self. Whether that be from taking good care of your skin or eating great food anything that will bring out the best in you.

Currently we are in the prospects of discovering new products and trying new things and sharing the experience with you. We hope to take this journey together, and learn and grow from sharing our experiences with you.
