Sakshi Bhardwaj
Price: $10.95 CA for 50g
What it Claims to do: This product by LUSH is meant to whiten and brighten your teeth as well as serve as toothpaste to leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean.
How to use: Crush one tablet in your mouth, wet you toothbrush and start brushing your teeth. Essentially instead of putting the toothpaste on the brush and brushing your teeth you kind put the “toothpaste” in your mouth first.
What I liked: This product is one of the few in the lines of what I call the “charcoal craze”, as if is some sort of elixir. Yet, I will eat my own words when I say this, because this product actually works. I come from an Indian household, which uses turmeric as a staple ingredients in most to all foods that we eat, therefore my teeth and clothes stain easy. Unfortunately I cannot use this product to get rid of the stain on my clothes but take it from me that the yellow on your teeth will surely by gone if you use it consistently.
What I didn’t like: The only down about this product is that it tastes sort of bitter when you first try it but not so much that the bitterness is unbearable. Also these tabs foam up a lot and can get a bit messy, especially if you have an electric toothbrush like me. But the charcoal wont stain your sink so its pretty easy cleanup.
Is it worth it: Absolutely! For people whose teeth are stained and yellow this product over time will help them whiten and brighten. I also found this product worked better for my morning breath then regular toothpaste, so that is also an added bonus.
Rate: 4.5/5
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