Drops of Light Pure Healthy Brightening Eye Cream

Drops of Light Pure Healthy Brightening Eye Cream

Sakshi Bhardwaj
Price: $34.00 CA for 15ml

My Skin type: Normal to Combination

What it Claims to do: This eye cream is meant to brighten dark circles around the eye area as well as reduce puffiness when used daily.

How to use: I usually squeeze four little dots of the product under the eye and tap the product around the eye area. I’ve head this tapping method be called “piano fingers” from many people but the point is still the same, you do not want to pull as this can cause sagging under the eye long term. As the area around the eye is a little sensitive, I use the ring finger to tap the product in as this finger applies the least amount of pressure.    

What I liked: This product is made from a red algae extract so it has a red tint to it. As I wear glasses, often times I have found that the area around my inner eye can get a little “discolored” compared to the other parts almost like its dirty. After 1 week of consistent use there was a significant noticeable difference with the darkness around my eye area. The natural color around the eye had started to come back and was brighter and less puffy. 

What I didn’t like: This product takes consist use to see results. There are no immediate or drastic changes after the first couple of uses so do not expect results instantaneously, it will take time. 

Is it worth it:  Absolutely. This product is a must try for those who are trying to trick themselves and the world that they are getting more sleep then they really are. The price is a bit much but I have found with the body shop that they have sales going on all the time so usually you don’t end up making a dent in your pocket. Also take advantage of their membership card it is definitely worth it.  

Rate: 4.5/5
